This is one of a few recommended products that I use in my healthy lifestyle that I’m often asked about. allows a different view to track and display runs.

I love tracking my runs and seeing progress over time. One of the ways I do that is with

What sets smashrun apart is how you can view and sort the runs. Your best times for several distances for a given Month, Year, or All time is very accessible. Furthermore, you get some great insights into each run including how it stacks up against other activities for the same-ish distance!

As someone who can do coding, I highly respect the creators of this site. It is a small team of three (talented) coders and I gladly pay for the PRO version to support them because of the value I gain from it.

The PRO version? A VERY COOL interactive route map with more data overlays! More metrics. See your progress over time in a different way…

If you are into digging into your runs and want to see your PR’s for each distance for different times, definitely check this out!